ID: 404

Spain, Reus 2018

This activity was called ‘Earth is our home’ and was a direct replicable project based on carbon conversations. Some participants that have attended to our carbon conversations decided to organise this small activity in their Russian Language classes. They prepared, together with the teacher, the lesson plan to follow and delivered a session where they discussed what HOME means for different people. They also designed a very interactive activity called "How long it takes for trash to decay". The students were given different cards, designed by the activity organisers and ought to put the cards in order. Examples of the cards used would be: “glass – more than 1000 thousand years”. The materials they mainly dealt with were plastic, paper, old trees, general waste, etc. And they talked as well about time periods: 1 year ,1 month, 2 years, 500 years ... Finally, the conclusion was a common brainstorming and discussion about food and water usage at home, ways of saving them by small and personal actions, tips to recycle, etc.

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