ID: 405
School Gardens

Spain, Reus 2018

This initiative aims to build an organic vegetable garden in the school ‘Teresa Miquel i Pàmies’, in Reus. The teachers will be involved in the project as guides and supervisors, engaging the children to be more autonomous self-efficient (while building the physical garden and while taking care of it). They will keep a record of its evolution on a daily basis project will start in November 2017. The long-term benefits of this project will be transferred to a different class of students every year. In this manner, they will all be engaged to the school garden and orchard and will leave school having acquired the necessary knowledge to do the same in different spheres of their lives (at home, in their neighbourhoods…). Many other schools of our town, Reus, have liked the idea and have contacted us to help them initiate similar projects.

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