The surefoot effect

Pamela Candea (Managing Director)

Euri Vidal (Erasmus+ Project Coordinator)

17 Victoria Place, Stirling FK8 2QT. Scotland, United Kingdom.
+44 (0) 7970 327975

The Surefoot Effect equips people with lifelong skills for sustainability. The Surefoot Effect provides (i) space to think; (ii) time to explore motives and feelings regarding more sustainable lifestyles, and (iii) leadership that inspires action. It is this process that allows people to create their own paths towards positive, long-lasting change. We encourage people to explore their emotions, motivations and behaviour and to make positive changes around energy and resource use. In turn, people are able to create and share their own path forward. We incorporate the resources and knowledge of 'Common Cause' and 'Compassionate Communication' into our work. Our main programme of action is the 'Carbon Conversations' programme', consisting of six practical meetings on the areas of home energy, travel, food, and consumptions and waste that help individuals halve their carbon footprint as a measure of their environmental impact.

We also lead 'Employee Engagement' to encourage people to reduce energy consumption at the work place.

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